How to become a good developer. To All New/Junior Developers
My Advice to All New/Junior Developers.
Get a job abroad.
You’ll learn a lot more than job skills.
You’ll learn life skills.
You’ll learn perspective.
You’ll also be different from those around you so you’ll bring fresh perspectives. And that’s far more powerful than you probably realize, you will challenge things more.
There is a big difference in mindset between people that have lived in different countries, away from home, and those that haven’t.
Well-traveled people are just more open-minded. They’re more accepting of other views and cultures and they empathies more.
Living abroad means you’ll experience being a minority with the slightly edgy fear that entails, you’re the different one and will have to make changes to fit in.
But there can be chances you cannot afford to go abroad due to financial, or any other problems so that dosn’t mean you will never be a good developer. Its not only for being a good developer but also more smart person who have more exposure which lightnes your subconcious.
So if you are not able to leave your country to change your circumstances and get more challenges the thing you can defenetaly do is change your city.
If you are from a small city or village do go to 1st tier cities in your country. You will be amazed to see the lifestyle change in you.
And it’s a great way to learn a language.
You’re only young once. Make the most of it.
Get out of your comfort zone.
If you ever need any help from me. Just ping me on Instagram or Linkdin.