How to become a Frontend Developer in 2023. Front-end developer roadmap
In this article, you can get the frontend developer roadmap and have an idea and clear path in your bind of the base from where you can start and after learning these things you can land a good paying internship at least if not job
Front End Developers Roadmap!
1. The Fundamentals
These are building blocks for front-end development.
2. CSS Frameworks
Once you have a better understanding of CSS concepts, you can switch to the frameworks to boost your productivity. These frameworks will help you write CSS rapidly.
Material UI
3. More JavaScript
Vanilla JavaScript (Pure JavaScript) is not enough to survive as a front-end developer. You need to learn a framework or library to compete with other developers and apply for jobs.
Angular JS
Vue JS
React JS
4. Version Control System
To work with a team, VCS is an important technology. It helps you to keep track of project changes and revert the code.
5. Deployment
At one point, you’ll need to deploy your website somewhere. Knowing how to deploy is a huge plus point.
6. Testing
Testing is to automate the test process which ensures your project works fine after every change you make.
This is the pathway I followed to become a Frontend developer before becoming the Full Stack Developer(MERN)
I have a strong grip over ReactJS, Vanilla JS, Bootstrap, Material UI, Git, Heroku, etc and I would encourage you too to start your career as a front-end developer first. It will make your development life journey a lot smoother.
Do let me know whenever you want any help or any guidance related to the Coding life. You can ping me over Instagram and also at